Step 6:C-1 Admin View

by formidable
SIGNS IT’S GOING WELL When you’re with him, you feel a nice range of emotions (not a crazy roller coaster of emotions), and you’re comfortable expressing your emotions without fear of negative or judgmental reactions., He is okay with you spending time with your family and friends and knows he isn’t your number-one priority., You can share your thoughts and opinions with him without feeling worried he’ll react negatively. You work through conflicts without blaming each other.SIGNS IT’S GOING WELL When you’re with this person, you feel a nice range of emotions (not a crazy roller coaster of emotions), and you’re comfortable expressing your emotions without fear of negative or judgmental reactions., The person you’re dating understands your need to prioritize your need to spend time with your family and friends., You can share your thoughts and opinions without feeling worried about this person reacting negatively. You work through conflicts without blaming each other., You can be clear about what bothers you, and feel respected for speaking up. You don’t cover up, pretend or put on a façade., You can talk about former relationships without feeling embarrassed and without signs of jealousy., They are emotionally and physically available to you. You feel them opening up and talking about their feelings., Overall, your boundaries are being respected by this person and they are supporting you when you express your feelings and opinions., The person you’re dating is making time for you.SIGNS IT’S GOING WELL When you’re with this person, you feel a nice range of emotions (not a crazy roller coaster of emotions), and you’re comfortable expressing your emotions without fear of negative or judgmental reactions., The person you’re dating understands your need to prioritize your need to spend time with your family and friends., You can share your thoughts and opinions without feeling worried about this person reacting negatively. You work through conflicts without blaming each other., You can be clear about what bothers you, and feel respected for speaking up. You don’t cover up, pretend or put on a façade., You can talk about former relationships without feeling embarrassed and without signs of jealousy., The relationship is easy, without any feelings of anxiety and doubt., They are emotionally and physically available to you. You feel them opening up and talking about their feelings., Overall, your boundaries are being respected by this person and they are supporting you when you express your feelings and opinions., The person you’re dating is making time for you.

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