Jen on Love


The Power of Aha Moments - Remember times when you felt stuck in the way something was and you couldn’t imagine how to change? And then suddenly, someone or something helped you see it a new way. This clarity slapped you in the face … in a wow, eyes –wide -open kind of way!
Relationship Attachment Styles—Are you a rock, paper or scissor? - Attraction and connection are a natural part of our DNA, so why isn’t it naturally easy to be in a love relationship? The answer has a lot to do with how we attach to others.
Safe Dating … Beyond the Obvious - In light of the tragic news about Ingrid Lyne, I’d like to share my guidelines and tips on staying safe while dating.
Why many successful women suck at finding love - You’re an overachiever in all areas of your life, with one exception: a long-lasting love relationship.
Love happens when you tackle the obstacles standing in its way - You want to be in a relationship, but find yourself stuck and can’t seem to figure out why. You assume it’s because it’s just hard to find a partner at your age.
Don’t try and be the “Best Date Ever,” just be yourself. - I see a lot of dating advice telling women “how to be the best date ever” or “how to make sure you get a second date” or even “how to get him to commit.”
Online dating algorithms do make mistakes! - I’d been active on for several months. Like most single women, I’d been letting the man make the first move toward me by email or a wink.
Can Love Be Found On Tinder? - My gut reaction is to answer adamantly “No Way!” But then, there’s always that one-in-a-million chance of meeting someone on Tinder that could lead to a long-lasting relationship.
You Can’t Manifest Love—It Requires Action - Many dating advice people and programs talk about this thinking as “manifesting love.” While this could be a good place to start, trust me, it’s not enough.
The many benefits of dating when you’re older (and wiser) - As the saying goes: with age comes wisdom … and benefits to dating! As you age, you grow to know yourself better. You learn to accept yourself as you are...
Men who are “UNAVAILABLE” - Unavailable men can come in many shapes and sizes. Aside from the ones who are married, gay, or living in another city, there are men seem available...
Does Your Potential Partner Fear Intimacy? (Part 3 of 3) - Once you begin dating, assess whether or not the men you’re seeing are emotionally self-aware and available for intimacy. You cannot force someone to...
What to do if you fear Intimacy (Part 2 of 3) - Now the hard work begins. The first step in overcoming fear of intimacy is to determine where you are on the spectrum. If your fear of intimacy feels extreme...
Is Fear Of Intimacy Blocking You From Finding Love? (Part 1 of 3) - A fear of intimacy is one of the most difficult obstacles to dating and finding a long-lasting relationship. It is not easy to detect...
Can A Long-Term Relationship Keep You Healthy? - Studies show again and again that relationships are critical to our long-term mental and physical health. We tend to take “better care of ourselves when...
Can 36 Questions Lead to Love? - Can 36 questions lead to love? According to a recent article in the New York Times, “To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This” they may.
Is he lying in his email or text? - You’ve gone out on a few dates and he said he’d get back to you yesterday. You get a text: "I ended up having to work late." Is he lying? How can you tell?
Is a Dating Coach Really Necessary? - Most people need guidance when they’re trying something new. We all could use help with finding love. But do we really need to hire a dating coach?
The “relationship glue” that holds couples together - You wake up grumpy in the morning and can’t talk without your coffee, yet he understands and loves the grumpy you. Even though you get anxious and fret...
Beware of Instant Attraction - You know this story: You meet a man and you’re instantly attracted to him in a “Oh, my goodness! I feel electricity bouncing all over me” way. You think...
What’s new in online dating and matchmaking services - The world of online dating sites and matchmaking services changes quickly. I’ll periodically review the latest trends and services and post them here.
“Couch time” is OK, but you shouldn’t sleep with him (yet) - When you were in your 20s and experimenting with dating, having sex early in a relationship probably wasn’t a big deal. As you mature and decide...
How boundaries make life and dating better - Having good boundaries means taking responsibility for your own actions and emotions. If you have poor boundaries, you likely take responsibility for...
Why you need a dating plan - We’ve all been there: You meet a new man, and he’s handsome and charming and says all the right things. In your giddiness, you overlook that...
Are you ready for love? - You want love, but are you ready for it? The quiz below will help you assess your readiness for a relationship.