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Instructions for The Seven Steps to Love Program and the dating dashboard


The program begins with preparing to date and progresses through committing to be in a monogamous relationship.
You begin with exercises that illuminate your past relationship patterns. Then you develop a plan to change the patterns that negatively affect your relationships.

The next step involves spelling out what you’re seeking in a new partner and a long-lasting love relationship. You also work on moving beyond the pain of past relationships.

The nitty-gritty of dating comes next. Several steps cover how and where to find good men, plus guidelines for your first three dates. Then you learn how to screen out the players and unavailable men. Finally, we cover moving into exclusivity and commitment.

Each step includes brief readings interspersed with two to six self-exploration exercises.

In the Personal Documents there is a link called my coaching messages. This where you can access private messages with your coach for ongoing support, feedback and advice when your’e feeling stuck.

Completing the self-exploration exercises

You have two options for completing the self-exploration exercises. You can type your answers into the online forms as you go. Or, if you prefer to write out your responses by hand (which might help you absorb the information better), you can print the entire step and fill out the exercises. However, you must then type your responses into the online forms in order to move to the next step.

Remember, you can print the steps at any time, even if you haven’t completed all the exercises. You have the option of printing all of the content in the step, or just your exercises.

If you’re serious about this program and finding love, don’t skip any exercises. If you can’t focus on a particular exercise, that’s okay. Take a break, or write something brief. You can come back later and write more. I know this sounds tough, but if you want to get the most from your investment of time and money, you have to do the work.

If you are resisting the exercises

If you find yourself just glancing over the exercises or half-heartedly completing them, you need to consider why that is. Maybe you don’t like the exercises or how they’re written. If that’s the case, tailor your responses to what you need. Just find a way to make them work for you.

If you find yourself feeling defensive or judgmental about the exercises, it probably means you’re putting up a roadblock. Or maybe you don’t believe you need help with the process of finding a long-lasting relationship.

Regardless, it raises some questions to ask yourself: How committed are you to this program? Why did you purchase it in the first place? Do you feel you deserve love? Are defensiveness or avoidance behaviors that are holding you back from finding love?

Using the other resources in the dating dashboard

The client-only DateWise Toolkit includes a variety of resources and links to help you with issues and obstacles that might crop up as you work through the program. For example, you might want to try some mindfulness exercises to reduce stress and feel more grounded. You can also read about fear of intimacy, setting boundaries, overcoming self-doubt and more.

Pacing yourself

Even though the program is meant to take approximately twelve weeks, you might need longer, especially if you have a very busy life.

If you find you aren’t ready to start dating after completing steps one through three, I recommend working through the remaining steps anyway. These cover online dating, your first three dates, getting to exclusivity, and then commitment. Doing these steps will help you immensely once you start dating.

Since your access to The Seven Steps to Love program and DateWise Toolkit never expires, you can go back to the steps and exercises as often as you need.

However, if you have purchased a program with private coaching, we’ll work together to get you through the program in 26 weeks or less.

Good luck!

Take me to the Seven Steps to Love