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by formidable
May 4, 2016 at 3:16 pm

To do before next call Tuesday 5/10 9am

Hi Kelly, Here are the things you’ve agreed make sense to work on:

1. Practice expressing your feelings and emotions (both positive and not positive)…on your kids and friends. “When you say/do ________”, I feel “________”.

2. Briefly look through The Seven Levels of Intimacy book.

3. Do exercises in the Inner Critic Tool and Self-Esteem Tool. If the strategies in these tools aren’t really working for you, let me know.

If you get the above done, then also consider the following:

4. Continue to work on Letting Go of past relationships.

5. Document any “aha moments” in your Personal Journal. Again, do a short test to make sure it’s saving properly.

Keep up the work. You’re doing a great job!


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