View ALL Messages – Admin

by formidable
May 12, 2016 at 10:28 am

Saving the follow up notes to your link called “My Coaching Messages”

May 6, 2016 at 10:53 am

Great session. Here are items for you to work on:

1. Consider what and when to communicate to Jason that you didn’t deserve to be treated that way, it’s not the behavior you accept from your friends, etc.

2. Write more about Jeb and Mark’s behavior in the relationships. How they did things in a passive/aggressive way (ie: walking slowly, being sedentary, watching tv, etc). How that feels narcissistic to you … similarities to other relationships. Take a look through that book I loaned you about emotionally unavailable men and how they come in so many forms. Consider the warning signs you would see if you were on a date.

3. If you do experience behavior that doesn’t work for you, either in friends or others (now or in the past), consider how you’d call out the behavior and ask about it in a non-judgmental way. Such as Max’s behavior when he wasn’t asking you any questions, or when he didn’t respond to your texts, etc. Or any others…Jason, etc. Practice asking if you have an opportunity with people, friends, work, etc.

4. Continue to work on the exercises in the steps if you have time/energy.

February 7, 2016 at 10:26 pm
Hi Tamara,
Dual purpose message: first to follow up to our session and second to test out the message center.
We covered a lot in the last session and here’s a summary of the items that we discussed for you to do before we meet again.
* Write out your “Deal Breakers”. Everything that you know will not work for you in a partner.
* Then write out “my week in my life with my partner”. How would you be together, work together, play together, and be very specific? Start first with what it looks like dating and in an exclusive relationship, but not yet living together. Then, when you’re ready, write about what it looks like living together.
* Review “Dominate Your Inner Critic” Tool and practice some of the exercises.
* Update your “Targets & Goals” to include those key behaviors we discussed.
If I missed anything, let me know.
I look forward to the next session.

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